Food Grade calcium chloride

Weifang Navi Trading
Food Grade calcium chloride
As a beer water treatment additive Use 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons. Lowers pH. Useful for adding Calcium if the water is low in chlorides. Also used in Cheesemaking Calcium Chloride is used with store bought milk and goats milk to give a firmer setting curd for easier cutting in the making of hard cheeses.

 As a beer water treatment additive Use 1 teaspoon per 5 gallons. Lowers pH. Useful for adding Calcium if the water is low in chlorides. Also used in Cheesemaking Calcium Chloride is used with store bought milk and goats milk to give a firmer setting curd for easier cutting in the making of hard cheeses. 

CONTAINS: 2oz. Calcium Chloride

YIELD: Each 2oz. bottle contains enough Calcium Chloride to do 96 gallons of milk. 

DIRECTIONS: Using 1/8 teaspoon for each gallon of milk, dilute in 1/4c. water. Bring milk to proper temperature and add before adding your culture. STORAGE: Store in a cool, dark place. Will last indefinitely if stored properly. 

NOTE: Do NOT use Calcium Chloride when making Mozzarella. It will keep the curds from stretching. 

NOTE: Pickle makers can also use this to make crispy pickles as a replacement for Ball Pickle Crisp Ball Pickle Crisp is gone and is missed by many pickle makers.

 Pickle Crisp took the place of lime and alum in making vinegar pickles (and other things) more crisp when opened. The same material is used for making whole tomatoes not "fall apart" when canned. Since it is a calcium salt (food grade calcium chloride), it is much more friendly to use than alum or lime. You absolutely should not use industrial grade calcium chloride for any pickling process because of all the non-edible impurities that may be in it (unknown). This is the same material as used in Pickle Crisp and it will give you the same results. Since you use between 1/4 to 1 teaspoon of this salt per quart (1/8 to 1/2 teaspoon per pint), you will get more mileage of this food grade material than you got from Pickle Crisp. Too much will result in a bitter taste so you are better off using the lower amount in your pickles. Lime is too much trouble and no longer recommended and alum is an aluminum salt that is also no longer recommended. As with any material, it is to be used by adults and is not to be left for children to play with. There is heat generated when liquid is added to it and it absorbs water. Therefore, add calcium salt to some of the water destined for for the pickle jar and let it dissolve. Keep it in a small jar with a good lid so it does not absorb water. Kept that way, it will have a long shelf life between pickle seasons if you do not use it all. From Pickle Crisp is the following: Add 1 - 1 1/2 teaspoons of Pickle Crisp to each quart jar or 3/4 teaspoon to each pint jar. Follow recipe instructions for processing in a boiling water canner. To use Pickle Crisp as a pre-soak instead of pickling lime, dissolve one 26 gram packet in one gallon of water. Follow tested home canning recipe as indicated. FYI - 26 grams is just slightly less than one ounce.